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WG 2 Silviculture

Ecology and silvicultural management


Nicolescu Valeriu Norocel   Özel Halil Baris
V.Norocel NICOLESCU  Halil Barış ÖZEL
Leader WG 2   Vice leader WG 2


To better understand the existing coppice forests ecosystems, scientific and traditional knowledge and findings about the ecology of this specific type of management were collected and documented. Coppice forests are characterized by relatively fast changing light and competition regime making them very different from traditional (high) forests. Species and species composition, water and nutrient balance including carbon sequestration, light and competition and the ability of re-sprouting are specific ecological features that were explored.
Furthermore, information on growth and yield for different types of coppice forests were collected and documented. Special attention was given to overmature coppice forests and the possibilities to revitalize these “old” coppice forests. Also possibilities of adding value by introducing fast growing valuable species (standard trees) were in the focus of this Work Package.
WG 2 also established contacts and interactions with experts on “modern” short rotation coppice (SRC) to explore common features and interest. 






Related literatur

 • Aleksić P, Krstić M, Milić S. 2011. Silvicultural needs and measures aimed the realization of the national forest action program of the Republic of Serbia. First Serbian forestry congress – future with forest. Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, November 11-13. Organiser: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade. Congress Proceedings 87-96. CD ROM. Publisher: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry.
• Aleksić P, Krstić M, Stamenković A. 2001. Comparative characteristics of stand productivity and tree development in the coppice forest of sessile oak with hornbeam and Turkey oak and in the artificially established coniferous stands. 3rd Balcan Scientific conference "Study, conservation and utilisation of the forest resources". 2-4 October, Sofia. Proceedings, vol. IV, pp. 200-209.
• Bardule A, Rancane S, Gutmane I, Berzins P, Stesele V, Lazdina D, Bardulis A. 2013. The effect of fertiliser type on hybrid aspen increment and seed yield of perennial grass cultivated in the agroforestry system, Agronomy Research, 11 (1), 13-24.
• Benetka V, Bartáková I, Mottl J. 2002. Productivity of Populus nigra L. ssp. nigra under short-rotation culture in marginal areas. Biomass & Bioenergy 23(5): 327–336.
• Benetka V, Černý K, Pilařová P, Kozlíková K. 2011. Effect of Melampsora larici-populina on growth and biomass yield of eight clones of Populus nigra. Journal of Forest Science 57(2): 41–49.
• Benetka V, Kozlíková K, Pilařová P. 2008. Srovnání energetické produkce výmladkové kultury topolu s jednoletými plodinami v bramborářské výrobní oblasti. Acta Pruhoniciana 89: 79–82. Comparison of energy production of poplar from short rotation coppice with annual crops in potato growing region. (
• Benetka V, Kozlíková K, Štochlová P. 2011. Nové klony topolu černého (Populus nigra L.) pro kultury s krátkou dobou obmýtí. Acta Pruhoniciana 97: 33–38. New clones of black poplar (Populus nigra L.) for short rotation coppice cultures. (
• Benetka V, Novotná K, Štochlová P. 2012. Wild populations as a source of germplasm for black poplar (Populus nigra L.) breeding programmes. Tree Genetics and Genomes 8(5): 1073–1084.
• Benetka V, Pilařová P, Kozlíková K. 2009. Rozbor výnosového potenciálu topolu černého v průběhu tří sklizní při různém sponu rostlin. Acta Pruhoniciana 92: 13–17. Yield potential analysis of black poplaar in the course of three coppice rotations at two different plant spacings. (
• Benetka V., Šálková I. & Vrátný F. 2005. Selection of clones of Populus nigra L. ssp. nigra for resistance to Melampsora larici-populina Kleb. Rust. Journal of Forest Science 51(4): 161–167.
• Benetka V., Vrátný F. & Šálková I. 2007. Comparison of the productivity of Populus nigra L. with an interspecific hybrid in a short rotation coppice in marginal areas. Biomass & Bioenergy 31(6): 367–374.
• Bjelanović I, Krstić M. 2012. Reclamation of coppice forests in order to increase the potential of woody biomass in Serbia. International Scientific Conference EGU General Assembly 2012 - Aspects of Biomass utilization from Forests and other Resources. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-450-4. Vienna, Austria, 22-27 April.
• Bubeník J, Weger J. 2011. Biomass production of native willow short rotation coppice in four three year rotation cycles – In: Proceedings of the 19th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 6-10 June 2011, Berlin, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, pp. 609-611
• Dekanić S, Lexer M J, Stajić B, Zlatanov T, Trajkov P, Dubravac T. 2009. European forest types for coppice forests in Croatia. Silva Balcanica, 10(1):47-62.
• Dubravac T, Dekanić S. 2008. Natural regeneration of Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) forests in Istria // "Forestry Science Between Economy and Society Demands".
• Dubravac T, Krejči V. 2001. Occurrence of young crop in preserved coppice forests of evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L.) – condition for future seed forests. Research Paper: Science in Sustainable Management of Croatian Forests, Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb, Forest Research Institute, "Croatian Forests" Ltd., Zagreb, pp. 43-52.
• Hawe J, Short I. 2012. Poor performance of broadleaf plantations and possible remedial silvicultural systems – a review. Irish Forestry 69 (1&2): 126-147.
• Hytönen J, Issakainen J. 2001. Effect of repeated harvesting on biomass production and sprouting of Betula pubescens. Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (4): 237-245.
• Hytönen J, Aro L. 2012. Biomass and nutrition of naturally regenerated and coppiced birch on cutaway peatland during 37 years. Silva Fennica 46 (3): 377-394.
• Hytönen J, Saarsalmi A. 2009. Long-term biomass production and nutrient uptake of birch, alder and willow plantations on cut-away peatland. Biomass and Bioenergy 33: 1197-1211.
• Hytönen J, Saramäki J, Niemistö P. 2013. Growth, stem quality and nutritional status of Betula pendula and Betula pubescens in pure stands and mixtures. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 29 (1): 1-11.
• Hytönen J. 1994. Effect of cutting season, stump height and harvest damage on coppi¬cing and biomass production of willow and birch. Biomass and Bioenergy 6 (5): 349-357.
• Krejči V, Dubravac T. 2004. From coppice wood to hight forest of evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L.) by shelterwood cutting. Šumarski list. Journal of Forestry, 7/8: 405-412.
• Krstić M, Aleksić P, Stavretović N, Cvjetićanin R, Bjelanović I. 2013. Effects Of Soil Preparation On Success Of Artificial Beech Regeneration In Areas Infested By Weed Plants On Južni Kučaj Mountain. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 65 (2): 621-629.
• Krstic M, Govedar Z. 2012. Tasks of silviculture with special emphasis on the conversion of degraded forests. Invited paper. International Scientific Conference: Forestry science and practice for the purpose of sustainable development of forestry - 20 years of the Faculty of forestry in Banja Luka. Proceedings. Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska/B&H. 1th - 4th November, pp. 447-464.
• Krstić M, Keren S. 2010. Production effects of the reconstruction of beech coppice forests in the area of Bukovi. International Scientific Conference “Forest ecosystems and climate changes“. Institute of Forestry, Belgrade, March 9-10th. Chief Editor: Ljubinko Rakonjac. Proceedings, pp . 149-157.
• Krstić M, Stajić S. 2003. Quality and health condition of trees as criteria for tree marking. Scientific conference: Prospects of forestry dvelopment. 10/2003. Proceedings 73-85. Faculty of forestry in Banja Luka University.
• Krstic M. 2008. Effect of the local heat potential on the distribution of sessile oak forests. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 22 (3), 804-809. Publisher: Diagnosis Press, Sofia, Bulgaria. ISSN 1310-2818.
• Lazdiņa D, Bārdule A, Bārdulis A. 2011. Effect of Fertilization on Growth of Hybrid Aspen (Populus tremuloides x Populus tremula) Seedlings over First Season-preliminary Results, The 5th International scientific conference "Rural Development 2011": Proceedings, 24-25 November, 2011, Akademija, Kaunas region, Lithuania/Aleksandras Stulginskis University. - Kaunas : Akademija, 2011. - Vol.5, Book 2, pp. 60-63.
• Lazdiņa D, Liepiņš K, Bardule A, Liepiņš J, Bardulis A. 2013. Wood ash and wastewater sludge recycling success in fast-growing deciduous tree - Birch and alder plantations, Agronomy Research, 11 (2) , 347-356.
• Lewandowski I., Weger J., van Hooidonk A., Havlickova K., van Dam J. & Faaij A. 2006. The Potential Biomass for Energy Production in the Czech Republic. Biomass & Bioenergy 30 (5): 405–421.
• Lexer MJ, Bobinac M, Dekanić S, Dubravac T, Georgiev G, Georgieva M, Hochbichler E, Ivanov G, Jovic D, Kastner E, Krajter S, Nestorovski L, Nikolov B, Stajic B, Teischinger A, Trajkov P, Vacik H, Velichkov I, Wolfslehner B, Zlatanov T. 2009: CForSEE: Multifunctional Management of Coppice Forests. U: Machačová J, Rohsmann K. (ur.), Scientific results of the SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call. Vienna, Austria: Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), 49-56.
• Maljanen M, Hytönen J, Mäkiranta P, Laine J & Martikainen PJ. 2013. Atmospheric impact of abandoned boreal organic agricultural soils depends on hydrological conditions. Boreal Environment Research 18 (3-4): 250-268.
• Short I. 2013. The potential for using a free-growth system in the rehabilitation of poorly performing pole-stage broadleaf stands. Irish Forestry 70: 157-171.
• Short I, Hawe J. 2012. Possible silvicultural systems for use in the rehabilitation of poorly performing pole-stage broadleaf stands – Coppice-with-standards. Irish Forestry 69(1&2): 148-166.
• Short I, Campion J. 2014. Coppice-with-standards: An old silvicultural system with new potential? Forestry & Energy Review 4(1): 42-44.
• Stajić B, Zlatanov T, Dubravac T, Trajkov P. 2009. Past and recent coppice forest management in some regions of South Eastern Europe. Silva Balcanica, 10(1): 9-19.
• Tlustoš P., Száková J., Vysloužilová M., Pavlíková D., Weger J. & Javorská H. 2007. Clonal and seasonal variation of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn uptake by willows (Salix spp.) grown in contaminated soils. Centr. Europ. J. of Biology 2 (2): 254–276.
• Vukin M, Krstić M. 2012. Curent state and proposal of reclamation measures in the coppice Turkey oak forests in the territory of Lipovica. International Scientific Conference Forest in future – Sustainable use, Risks and Challenges. Congress Proceedings 12-23. Institute of Forestry, Belgrade, Serbia, 4-5th October, 2012.
• Weger J, Bubeník J. 2010. První výsledky hodnocení smíšené výmladkové plantáže topolů a vrb. Acta Pruhoniciana 96: 27–36. First results of evaluation of mixed poplar and willow short rotation coppice. (
• Weger J, Bubeník J. 2011. Hodnocení produkce biomasy topolů a vrb na Lochočické výsypce po 15 letech výmladkového pěstování. Acta Pruhoniciana 99: 73–83. Evaluation of biomass production of poplars and willows on Lochocice spoiler heap-mine after 15 years of coppicing. (
• Weger J, Bubeník J. 2012. Produkce biomasy nových klonů vrb a topolů po šesti letech pěstování na zemědělské půdě v tříletém obmýtí. Acta Pruhoniciana 100: 51–62. Biomass production of new willow and poplar clones grown on agricultural soil in a three-year rotation after six years. (
• Weger J, Bubeník J. 2012. Výsledky sledování vybraných půdních charakteristik v pokusech rychle rostoucích dřevin testovaných pro energetické využití. Acta Pruhoniciana 102: 31–40. Observation results of selected soil characteristics in experimental plantations of fast-growing trees tested for energy utilization. (
• Weger J, Havlíčková K. 2002. The first results of the selection of woody species for short rotation coppices in the transitional oceanic-continental climate of the Czech Republic. – In: World renewable energy congress IX. Book of Abstracts, 21.–25. 8. 2006, Florence, Italy. Elsevier, Amsterodam, 107-110 p.
• Weger J, Havlíčková K. 2009. The Evaluation of selected willow and poplar clones for short rotation coppice (SRC) after three harvests. In Proceedings of the 17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 29.6.-3.7., Hamburg, 2009, ETA Florence. 227-230 p.
• Weger J. 2004. A multi-species energy crop system to sustainably produce biomass in the Czech Republic. 2nd World Conference Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Rome, ETA Florence, Florence; WIP-Munich, Munich, p. 256–258.
• Weger J. 2008. Výnos vybraných klonů vrb a topolů po 9 letech výmladkového pěstování. Acta Pruhoniciana 89: 5–10. Yield of selected poplar and willow clones after 9 years of coppicing. (
• Weger J. 2009. Hodnocení vlivu délky sklizňového cyklu výmladkové plantáže na produkční a růstové charakteristiky topolového klonu Max-4 (Populus nigra L. × P. maximowiczii Henry). Acta Pruhoniciana 92: 5–11. The evaluation of the influence of a rotation length of short rotation coppice on production and growth characteristics of poplar clone MAX-4 (Populus nigra L. × P. maximowiczii Henry) (
• Weger J, Bubeník J, Dubský M. 2010. Hodnocení vlivu hnojení na růst a výnos klonů vrb a topolů v prvních čtyřech letech pěstování. Acta Pruhoniciana 94: 13–20. Evaluation of influence of fertilization on growth and yield of willow and poplar clones in first four years. (
• Weger J, Bubenik J, Havlíčková K. 2010. Poplar and willow mixed plantations for sustainable biomass production – In: Proceedings of the 18th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 3-7 May 2010, Lyon, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, Florence, pp. 473-476.
• Weger J, Havlíčková K, Bubeník J. 2011. Results of testing of native willows and poplars for short rotation coppice after three harvests – Aspects of Applied Biology 112, Biomass and Energy Crops IV, pp. 335-340
• Weger J, Šír M, Syrovátka O. 2004. Landscape functions of short rotation coppices (SRC) and possibilities for sustainable land management. 2nd World Conference Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Rome, ETA Florence, Florence; WIP-Munich, Munich, p. 265–267
• Weger J, Vávrová K, Kašparová L, Bubeník J, Komárek A. 2013: The influence of rotation length on the biomass production and diversity of ground beetles (Carabidae) in poplar short rotation coppice. Biomass and Bioenergy 54: 284–292.
• Weger J, Vosátka M, Bubeník J. 2013. Hodnocení produkčních charakteristik topolů a vrb v polním pokusu s aplikací mykorhizního preparátu. Acta Pruhoniciana 103: 83–90. Evaluation of poplar and willow yield characteristics with mykorhiza inoculation in field experiment. (
  From Finland
• Hytönen J, Aro L. 2013. Puutuhkalannoitus lisää koivikon biomassatuotosta suonpohjalla. Pro Terra 61: 55-56. (Wood ash fertilization increases biomass production of birch on cut-away peatland).
• Hytönen J, Aro L. 2012. Koivikon biomassatuotos ja ravinnetalous suonpohjalla: 37 vuoden tuloksia. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja 3/2012: 224-226. (Biomass production and nutrition of birch on cut-away peatland: 37-year results).
• Saksa T, Hynynen J, Hytönen J, Niemistö P. 2012. Metsäbiomassan lisääntyvä käyttö muuttaa metsänhoitoa. Metlan työraportteja / Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 240: 83-96. (Increased utilization of forest biomass changes silviculture).
• Heino E, Hytönen J. 2005. Suomalainen pajukirjallisuus. Finnish bibliography on willow. Working papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute. 38 s.

From Romania
• Nicolescu VN. 2014. Silvicultura II. Silvotehnica (chapters „Low coppice”, ”Coppice with standards”, and ”Pollarding”). Editura Aldus, Brasov, 289 p.

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Project website:
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Contact person: Dr. Ian Short; Email:
Project time: 07/2010 - 06/2015
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Description: The aims are i) to provide a suite of silvicultural options and guidance for broadleaf plantation management regarding: establishment of mixtures; thinning of pure and mixture crops and rehabilitation of poorly performing broadleaf stands; ii) to provide a national network of well designed experimental and demonstration sites that can be used into the future to inform forest policy and the industry; iii) to build a critical mass of broadleaf silviculture expertise.
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