Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)
42 Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) were supported by EuroCoppice during its 4 year duration.
On the following pages you will find:
- A list of all the STSMs, including the reports (follow the links), their hosts, the countries involved and dates
- The STSM reports categorised by: type of coppice, keywords, tree species and country studied
Pieter D. KOFMAN | Enrico MARCHI |
STSM Coordinator | Vice Coordinator |
What are Short-Term Scientific Missions? These Missions (Inter-laboratory Exchange Visits) allowed scientists to go to an institution or laboratory in another COST country, who is a member of FP1301 EuroCoppice, to foster collaboration, to learn a new technique or to take measurements using instruments and/or methods not available in their own institution/laboratory.
STSMs are no longer possible in the context of EuroCoppice as the Action has come to an end.
If you are interested in applying for an STSMs, please visit the COST Website to find out more about running COST Actions.
Pictures: Ivalsa; Schweier