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     (European Cooperation
     in Science and Technology)
     is a pan-European inter-
     governmental framework.

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     break-through scientific and
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WGs Brno 2015

WG 2 & 4 Meeting

Brno, Czech Republic

April 8th and 9th, 2015


This meeting had an intensive link to the conference "Coppice forests: past, present and future", which was be held at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology in Brno from April 9th – 11th. For presentations held at the Coppice Conference, please navigate to the Coppice Brno 2015 (under Conferences).


Please find the following documents from the meeting:


Welcome presentation by Gero Becker available here

WG 2 Minutes are available here

WG 4 Minutes are available here

A Steering Group Meeting also took place in Brno, the Minutes are available here.


WG 2 had a series of presentations on coppice in different countries; these can be viewed here:

1. Croatia (authors Tomislav Dubravac and Damir Barcic) - .ppt
2. Hungary (Norbert Frank) - .ppt
3. Finland (Jyrki Hytonen) - oral
4. Germany (Achim Dohrenbusch and Patrick Pyttel) - oral
5. Republic of Macedonia (Pande Trajkov) - .ppt
6. Poland (Martyna Gierszewska) - .ppt
7. Portugal (Joao P.F. Carvalho and Abel Rodrigues) - .ppt
8. Spain (Pau Vericat and Miriam Pique) - .ppt
9. Slovakia (Alexander Feher) - .ppt
10. Czech Republic (Petra Stochlova) - .ppt
11. South Africa (Keith Little) – oral
12. Turkey (Halil Baris Ozel and Murat Ertekin) - .ppt
13. Sweden (Ioannis Dimitriou and Blas Mola-Yudego) - .ppt
14. The Netherlands (Patrick Jansen) - .ppt
15. Romania (Valeriu-Norocel Nicolescu and Cornelia Hernea) - .ppt








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