COeu-logo-jpgST is supported
by the EU Framework
Programme Horizon 2020

    Eva-Mayr-Stihl-Stiftung Logo


     (European Cooperation
     in Science and Technology)
     is a pan-European inter-
     governmental framework.

     Its mission is to enable
     break-through scientific and
     technological developments
     leading to new concepts and
     products and thereby contribute
     to strengthening Europe’s
     research and innovation

     COST rules and guidelines can
     be found here:



WG 4 Protection

Peter Buckley.png

Peter BUCKLEY G.Florian BORLEA                                                    
Leader WG 4 Vice Leader WG 4


Services, protection, nature conservation

The positive role of coppice forests for the protection of infrastructure (roads, railways, buildings) is widely recognized. This protection function can only be fulfilled on a sustainable basis, if coppice forests are managed actively and cut periodically. This threatens the protection function for the future. Furthermore, the active management of coppice forests creates a unique small-scale pattern of covered and clear felled parcels, which results in specific and typical ecological niches, where many protected plants and animals find their living. Due to this fact, coppice forests are in many countries somehow part of formal legally fixed regulations about nature conservation, e.g. in the European framework of Natura 2000.

In WG 4, the specific benefits and functions of coppice forests for protection and biodiversity/nature conservation were explored and mapped for the different types of coppice forests (WG 1) and management regimes (WG 2). The way in which coppice forests are linked to nature conservation regulations were summarized. Local and national experiences on the effectiveness of these protection regulations were explored and respective recommendations for environmental legislation derived.



Key Publications


Pflanze Suchomel

Picture: Suchomel

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