COeu-logo-jpgST is supported
by the EU Framework
Programme Horizon 2020

    Eva-Mayr-Stihl-Stiftung Logo


     (European Cooperation
     in Science and Technology)
     is a pan-European inter-
     governmental framework.

     Its mission is to enable
     break-through scientific and
     technological developments
     leading to new concepts and
     products and thereby contribute
     to strengthening Europe’s
     research and innovation

     COST rules and guidelines can
     be found here:



WGs Bucharest 2015

WG 1 - 5 Meetings

Bucharest, Romania

Oct 19th, 2015


These WG Meetings were held prior to the EuroCoppice Conference "Ecology and Silvicultural Management of Coppice Forests in Europe". Follow this link to the Conference page.


The Minutes of the Meetings can be found here:

WG 1 Minutes

WG 2 Minutes

WG 3 Minutes

WG 4 Minutes

WG 5 Minutes

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