COeu-logo-jpgST is supported
by the EU Framework
Programme Horizon 2020

    Eva-Mayr-Stihl-Stiftung Logo


     (European Cooperation
     in Science and Technology)
     is a pan-European inter-
     governmental framework.

     Its mission is to enable
     break-through scientific and
     technological developments
     leading to new concepts and
     products and thereby contribute
     to strengthening Europe’s
     research and innovation

     COST rules and guidelines can
     be found here:



WGs Chatham 2014


WG 1 - 5 Meetings in Chatham

University of Greenwich, Medway, England

3rd -5th November, 2014



Minutes of the WG meetings can be found here:

WG 1      WG 2     WG 3     WG 4     WG 5


 Link: further information on the Chatham EuroCoppice Conference held after the WG meetings



Field Trip Pic Chatham 3

Image: Debbie Bartlett, 2014                

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