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by the EU Framework
Programme Horizon 2020

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     (European Cooperation
     in Science and Technology)
     is a pan-European inter-
     governmental framework.

     Its mission is to enable
     break-through scientific and
     technological developments
     leading to new concepts and
     products and thereby contribute
     to strengthening Europe’s
     research and innovation

     COST rules and guidelines can
     be found here:



TS 2016 Boppard DE

4th EuroCoppice Training School

Training School Report ----- Call ----- Program

Press Releases:

Boppard Local Newspaper

Trainees from Bangor University

AFZ Der Wald - Nov 2016 (German)

Thanks to everyone for making this a successful event!


Topic:       Coppice Management, Biodiversity and Services

Dates:      17.07.2016 – 23.07.2016

Location:   Boppard (south of Koblenz; Rhine Valley), Germany

Host:         University of Freiburg, Forestry District Boppard in Rhineland-Palatinate

Venue:      AWO Guesthouse; Forestry District Office; Local Forest Stands

The weather turned warm in mid-July 2016, just in time for the 4th Training School held by COST Action FP1301 EuroCoppice. Along with the sun came 19 enthusiastic post-graduate students and young researchers from across Europe to converge on Boppard, a town known as the „pearl“ of the Rhine Valley. The area, situated in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, also happens to be a hot-spot of coppice forests in Germany, with many of the stands consisting of aged coppice on difficult to access slopes. To offer a new perspective on coppice forests in Europe, this particular Training School focussed on the characteristics and assessment of coppice forest’s biodiversity and ecosystem services, in combination with aspects of their management. Luckily, neither the coppice nor the students paid too much heed to the heat and humidity, so that all learning aims could be met and all participants could gain a new appreciation for both coppice and the local culture.








                                                                                      Photos: Unrau

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