Dr. Milun KRSTIC
Phonenumer: + 381 11 3053990
Research interests related to EuroCoppice
- silviculture
- forest ecology
- coppice forest conversion
- reclamation of degraded forests
- silviculture of protected forests
Publications related to EuroCoppice
- Krstić, M., Aleksić, P., Stavretović, N., Cvjetićanin, R., Bjelanović I. (2013) Effects Of Soil Preparation On Success Of Artificial Beech Regeneration In Areas Infested By Weed Plants On Južni Kučaj Mountain. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 65 (2).621-629
- Krstić, M., Stojanović, LJ., Rakonjac Lj. (2010): The tasks of siviculture in regard to the curent climate shange. International Scientific Conference “Forest ecosystems and climate changes“. Institute of Forestry Belgrade, March 9-10th. Plenary lectures pg. 117-130.
- Aleksić P., Krstić M., Milić S. (2011) Silvicultural needs and measures aimed the realization of the national forest action program of the Republic of Serbia. First Serbian forestry congress – future with forest. Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, November 11-13. Organiser: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade. Congress Proceedings 87-96. CD –ROM.
- Diaci J., Govedar Z., Krstic M., Motta R.( 2012) Importance and perspectives of Silviculture for science and practice of forestry. International Scientific Conference: Forestry science and practice for the purpose of sustainable development of forestry - 20 years of the Faculty of forestry in Banjaluka. Plenary lecture. Proceedings, 23-40. Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska/B&H. 1th - 4th November
- Krstic M., Govedar Z. ( 2012) Tasks of silviculture with special emphasis on the conversion of degraded forests. Ivited paper. International Scientific Conference: Forestry science and practice for the purpose of sustainable development of forestry - 20 years of the Faculty of forestry in Banjaluka. Plenary lecture. Proceedings, pg. 447-464. Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska/B&H. 1th - 4th November