COeu-logo-jpgST is supported
by the EU Framework
Programme Horizon 2020

    Eva-Mayr-Stihl-Stiftung Logo


     (European Cooperation
     in Science and Technology)
     is a pan-European inter-
     governmental framework.

     Its mission is to enable
     break-through scientific and
     technological developments
     leading to new concepts and
     products and thereby contribute
     to strengthening Europe’s
     research and innovation

     COST rules and guidelines can
     be found here:




Nestorovski Ljupco.jpg  

Institution: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje
Faculty of Forestry
Role in the Action: MC member, WG 3                                                                    

Phonenumer: +38970222662



Research interests related to EuroCoppice

  • utilization
  • technology
  • products
  • NWFP
  • energy


Publications related to EuroCoppice

  • M. J. Lexer , M. Bobinac , S. Dekanic, T. Dubravac, G. Georgiev , M.Georgieva, E. Hochbichler, G. Ivanov, D. Jovic, E. Kastner, S. Krajter, L. Nestorovski, B. Nikolov, B.Stajic, A. Teischinger, P. Trajkov, H. Vacik, I. Velichkov, B. Wolfslehner, T. Zlatanov., „Multifunctional Management of Coppice Forests“, final report, Scientific results of the SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call, ISBN 978-3-200-01567-8, funded by the 6th EU Framework,


  • Lj. Nestorovski, P. Trajkov G. Hinkov, S. Dekanic, M.Vuckovic: „Contribution towards energetic potential and possibilities for forestry biomass energy utilization from coppice forests in some countries of south-eastern Europe“, Silva Balcanica, 10(1)/2009.


  • B. Wolfslehner, S. Krajter, D. Jovic, Lj. Nestorovski, I.Velichkov: „Framing stakeholder and policy issues for coppice forestry in selected central and south-eastern European countries“, Silva Balcanica, 10(1)/2009.


  • C.A.R. Corradi, F. Chiani, L. Perugini, V. Rappuoli, Lj. Nestorovski, E. Angelova, R. Valentini: „Biomаss availability in the theritory of Republic of Macedonia from forestry and agriculture sectors“, 19th European biomass conference, Berlin 2011.


  • Lj. Nestorovski, M. Nacevski, P. Trajkov, Z. Trajanov, G. Kovacevic: „Analysis of the Energetic Potential of Forests in Republic of Macedonia“, 19th European biomass conference, Berlin 2011.



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