Phonenumer: + 41 91 821 52 31
Research interests related to EuroCoppice
- chestnut
- history
- management options
- overmature coppices
Publications related to EuroCoppice
- Conedera, M.; Stanga, P.; Oester, B.; Bachmann, P., 2001: Different post-culture dynamics in abandoned chestnut orchards and copppices. For. Snow Landsc. Res. 76, 3: 487-492.
- Manetti, M.C.; Amorini, E.; Becagli, C.; Conedera, M.; Giudici, F., 2001 Productive potential of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) stands in Europe. For. Snow Landsc. Res. 76, 3: 471-476.
- Conedera, M.; Manetti, M.C.; Giudici, F.; Amorini, E., 2004: Distribution and economic potential of the Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Europe. Ecol. Mediterr. 30, 2: 179-193.
- Conedera, M.; Krebs, P.; Tinner, W.; Pradella, M.; Torriani, D., 2004: The cultivation of Castanea sativa (Mill.) in Europe, from its origin to its diffusion on a continental scale. Veg. Hist. Archaeobot. 13: 161-179.
- Vogt, J.; Fonti, P.; Conedera, M.; Schröder, B., 2006: Temporal and spatial dynamic of stool uprooting in abandoned chestnut coppice forests. For. Ecol. Manage. 235: 88-95.