Phonenumer: +45 60630816
Research interests related to EuroCoppice
- forest operations
- harvesting
- storage
- forest products
Publications related to EuroCoppice
- 2010 Suadicani, K. , Talbot, B. & Skovsgaard, J.P. Non commercial thinnings in natural regenerations of Beech. (Udrensning i selvforyngelser af bøg: med en kranmonteret fingerklipper ') Skoven , no. 4, pp. 182-185 (In Danish)
- 2010 Theilby, F. & Suadicani, K. 2010. Quality descriptions of oparational tasks in forestry. (Kvalitetsbeskrivelser for driftstekniske opgaver i skov). Videnblade Skov og Natur , no. 9.4-19. (In Danish)
- 2009 Raae, K , Suadicani, K. & Talbot, B. 2009. Production of fuel chips in young oak. (Produktion af brændselsflis i ung eg). Skoven , vol 41, no. 8, pp. 350-353. (In Danish)